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Somebody's At The Door

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An Asylum Of The Walking Dead

   I hail from Murshidabad in Bengal. My story begins during the wedding of my tutor, where I stayed for three days. A mental hospital stood ominously close to her house. She repeatedly warned me to disregard any unusual noises or occurrences, but one afternoon, I stepped out onto her balcony, shirtless. Returning to the room, I fell asleep alone. Around 1 AM, a sound jolted me awake. In the dim moonlight, I saw a figure standing near my bed. The man's face was a grotesque mask of blood and scratches, and saliva dripped from his lips. I feigned sleep, terrified as he watched me with unsettling intensity. Suddenly, he vanished. But a chilling sensation washed over me. I felt a presence behind me, breathing heavily and making guttural sounds. I was paralyzed with fear, unable to move. Desperate, I began chanting the Hanuman Chalisa, my voice trembling. The morning call to prayer, the azan, finally broke the spell. The presence was gone. I immediately contacted my relatives and f...

ରାସ୍ତା କଡ଼ରେ ଏକ ପୁରୁଣା ଗଛ ( An Old Tree By The Road, In Odia)

ଓଡ଼ିଶାର ଜଟାନୀରେ ଥିବା ମୋ ବନ୍ଧୁଙ୍କ ଘରୁ ଫେରିବା ସମଯ଼ରେ ମୁଁ ରାସ୍ତା ହରାଇଥିଲି। ମୁଁ ମୋ ସାଇକେଲ୍ ଚଳାଇ ଏକ କମ୍ ରକ୍ଷଣାବେକ୍ଷଣ, କାଦୁଅ ରାସ୍ତା ନେଇଥିଲି। ମୁଁ ଦୂରରେ ଏକ ପୁରୁଣା, ଲମ୍ବା ବଟବୃକ୍ଷ ଦେଖିପାରିଲି। ଯେତେବେଳେ ମୁଁ ପାଖରେ ପହଞ୍ଚିଲି, ମୁଁ ଦେଖିଲି ଯେ ଏକ ଖାଲି ଲୁପ୍ ସହିତ ଏକ ଦଉଡ଼ି ଝୁଲୁଛି, ଜୋରରେ ଝୁଲୁଛି ଯେପରି କେହି ଏହାକୁ ନିକଟରେ ବ୍ଯ଼ବହାର କରୁଛନ୍ତି | ଗଛର ଶାଖାଗୁଡ଼ିକ ବହୁତ ମୋଟା ଏବଂ ବୁଦାଳିଆ ଥିଲା | ସୂର୍ଯ୍ଯ଼ାସ୍ତ ପାଖେଇ ଆସୁଥିବା ବେଳେ ଅନ୍ଧାର ମୋ ଆଖିରେ କୌଶଳ ଖେଳିଲା। ମୁଁ ବେଳେବେଳେ ଭାବୁଥିଲି ଯେ ମୁଁ ଶାଖାଗୁଡ଼ିକରେ ମୁହଁ ଦେଖୁଛି, କିନ୍ତୁ ସେଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଆଲୋକ ଦ୍ୱାରା ସୃଷ୍ଟି ହୋଇଥିବା ଭ୍ରମ ବୋଲି ପ୍ରତ୍ଯ଼ାଖ୍ଯ଼ାନ କଲି। ହଠାତ୍, ମୁଁ ଅନୁଭବ କଲି ଯେ କେହି ମୋତେ ପଛରୁ ଧରୁଛି। ମୁଁ କାହାକୁ ଦେଖିପାରିଲି ନାହିଁ, କିନ୍ତୁ ଅନୁଭବଟି ବାସ୍ତବ ଥିଲା। ମୁଁ ପବିତ୍ର ମନ୍ତ୍ର ଜପ କରିବା ଆରମ୍ଭ କଲି ଏବଂ ଗତି ବଢ଼େଇଲି। ଯେତେବେଳେ ମୁଁ ପଛକୁ ଚାହିଁଲି, ମୁଁ ଦେଖିଲି କେହି ଜଣେ ଦଉଡ଼ିରେ ଝୁଲୁଛନ୍ତି, ସେମାନଙ୍କର କେଶ ସାଧାରଣ ଅପେକ୍ଷା ଲମ୍ବା, ସିଧାସଳଖ ମୋ ଆଡ଼କୁ ଚାହିଁ ରହିଛନ୍ତି। ଭଯ଼ଭୀତ ହୋଇ ମୁଁ ନିଯ଼ନ୍ତ୍ରଣ ହରାଇ ଦୌଡ଼ିବା ଆରମ୍ଭ କଲି। ମୁଁ ଦେଖିଲି ଜଣେ ବ୍ଯ଼କ୍ତି ଏକ କଳା ଶାଲ ଓଢ଼ୀକୀରି ଠିଆ ହୋଇ ମୋତେ ହାଥ ହଲେଇକି ଡାକୁଚୀ, ଜେମେତି ମୁଁ ପାଖକୁ ଗଲି ଅନୁଭବ କଲି ...

Jokha: A Treasure Warrior

It was the witching hour, 1:00 am, in Raghurajpur, a village famed for the art of pattachitra, when my grandma, along with a fellow villager, embarked on a bone-chilling journey. Their destination: the Kali Puja nearby, but their path, a shortcut through the jungle, was shrouded in an inky blackness, pierced only by their flickering oil lamp. The air hung heavy, thick with the cloying scent of decay and the unsettling silence broken only by the occasional rustle in the unseen undergrowth. Looming ahead, a dilapidated palace, a skeletal silhouette against the starless sky, whispered of a bygone era of opulence. It was here, amidst the crumbling grandeur, that they spotted a flicker of light in the distance. Relief washed over them – perhaps other devotees on their way to the puja. But as they drew closer, a surge of primal terror coursed through their veins. The light emanated not from a fellow pilgrim, but from a creature of nightmare. A monstrous entity, a giant fireball with no eyes,...

I am Not Lost - A True Experience Of A Girl

The train from Shillong to Kolkata was agonizingly late. Our two families, eight souls in total, including me at thirteen, were crammed into a single taxi at midnight. The driver, a greasy, sweating figure, insisted I move closer. Then, his hand clamped over mine, forcing it onto his damp, fleshy thigh. A slick, repulsive substance oozed beneath my fingers. Bile rose in my throat. I was being violated, exposed in front of my own family, trapped in the suffocating confines of the taxi. As soon as the taxi lurched to a halt, I scrambled into the backseat, my body shaking uncontrollably. Sleep offered no escape. A shadow of shame clung to me, a constant, sickening presence. Then, a ghastly blue light pulsed from the electrical outlet in the room where I lay, shivering beneath a thin sheet. My legs turned to ice. The driver's voice, thick and leering, slithered through the air. I stumbled to the door and opened it. He stood bathed in the eerie blue glow, his eyes fixed on me, a predato...

A Spiritual Pnuema - A True Experience Of Guwahati

  When you want to worship, even a mere stone is enough. When you don't even know why to worship, even the holiest temples look like mighty caves with mouths opened to devour the scars of religion. There is a temple called the "Bhootnath Temple" in Guwahati, Assam, India. This temple has special significance for devotees who believe in the power of Lord Shiva to protect and ward off evil spirits. One such monk was called "Narayan." He was a purely devoted soul who spent countless hours inside the temple, praying to Lord Shiva. He used to conduct several religious practices for devotees coming from near and far to receive the Lord's blessings. One day, Narayan was returning home from his daily rituals at the temple when he encountered an unusual sight: a shadow in the form of Lord Shiva following him in the dead of night. After this, he fell severely ill and passed away within a month. With the monk's sudden demise, the temple became lonelier than usual. ...

Share Your "Bhoota Gappa" (Paranormal Experience)

  In Odisha, and I believe maximum villages or rural cities in India, in the 90s era, when power outages used to be a usual norm. Anytime there was a storm, or a rainy day, in the evenings, the houses had no light, just a candle or an oil lamp amidst a group of family members with kids trying to mimic studying, while they are all distracted by all the insects flying to and fro the candle light. They start asking a question or a two to the elders, after which, storytime is officially triggered. The eldest of the house, starts telling a story of when they were a kid, and were accompanied by a friend or traveling by themselves. The story genre usually was horror, as kids used to be excited as well as curious of things that still remain unexplained. That's when "Bhoota Gappa", or a "Ghost Story", came into existence, where people shared their experiences, in which they encountered something or someone that they couldn't explain but somewhere in their minds it st...