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JustUtter Sundays : JustUtter Start Writing

A Writing initiative that will force you to write without fail. An exercise initiative that will let you take a "writing prompt" and write a complete memory, story or poetry. You get a chance to become JustUtter's writer of the week and get published.  In the land where AI is writing at a faster pace, I still want you guys to compete and write emotionally upheavaling experiences that make the human mass still wanted in this society of isolated circles. "Let's build relationships with strangers, because known folks just don't want to get deeper anymore..." Here is what you need to do, just follow thia framework and write on the given prompts, send it to "" or DM me "@thoughtswithinnocence" or "JustUtter". Prompts : Read More Of My Writings: Innocent Thoughts: Friendly Addiction Innoce...