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Share Your "Bhoota Gappa" (Paranormal Experience)

 In Odisha, and I believe maximum villages or rural cities in India, in the 90s era, when power outages used to be a usual norm. Anytime there was a storm, or a rainy day, in the evenings, the houses had no light, just a candle or an oil lamp amidst a group of family members with kids trying to mimic studying, while they are all distracted by all the insects flying to and fro the candle light. They start asking a question or a two to the elders, after which, storytime is officially triggered. The eldest of the house, starts telling a story of when they were a kid, and were accompanied by a friend or traveling by themselves. The story genre usually was horror, as kids used to be excited as well as curious of things that still remain unexplained. That's when "Bhoota Gappa", or a "Ghost Story", came into existence, where people shared their experiences, in which they encountered something or someone that they couldn't explain but somewhere in their minds it struck as paranormal.

"Bhoota Gappa: Haunting Tales from Odisha's Forgotten Shadows"

Step into the dark and mysterious corners of Odisha, where the echoes of untold horror stories linger. From the eerie stillness of Bhitarkanika’s mangroves to the ghostly whispers in the bustling streets of Cuttack, Bhoota Gappa unravels chilling tales rooted in the heart of Odisha’s villages and cities.

🕯️ Explore the spectral legends of Rourkela, Jagatsinghpur, and Bhubaneswar. Feel the unease in Bhadrak, Sarang, and Dhenkanal, and uncover the ancient secrets of Kendrapada and Puri that will leave you breathless.

📖 Bhoota Gappa isn’t just a collection of stories—it’s a spine-tingling journey through Odisha’s haunted past. Dare to discover the forgotten legends waiting to be told.

💀 Click to read a sample and enter Odisha’s shadowy underworld… if you dare.

#BhootaGappa #OdishaHorror #UntoldStories #FolkloreFright

Links To Get It:



Notion Press

Fresh Stories Available in "JustUtter.Com" 

Read About The Author's Interview About the Book (Available in Odia ) -

Interview In English

Interview In Odia


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