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A Spiritual Pnuema - A True Experience Of Guwahati

 When you want to worship, even a mere stone is enough. When you don't even know why to worship, even the holiest temples look like mighty caves with mouths opened to devour the scars of religion.

There is a temple called the "Bhootnath Temple" in Guwahati, Assam, India. This temple has special significance for devotees who believe in the power of Lord Shiva to protect and ward off evil spirits. One such monk was called "Narayan." He was a purely devoted soul who spent countless hours inside the temple, praying to Lord Shiva. He used to conduct several religious practices for devotees coming from near and far to receive the Lord's blessings.

One day, Narayan was returning home from his daily rituals at the temple when he encountered an unusual sight: a shadow in the form of Lord Shiva following him in the dead of night. After this, he fell severely ill and passed away within a month.

With the monk's sudden demise, the temple became lonelier than usual. However, at night, passersby would hear prayers and hymns emanating from the temple premises, as if someone inside was conducting rituals without fail. Soon, some people had encounters with the late monk meditating in a spiritual pose within the temple grounds. The monk's body was gone, but his soul continued his duties regularly, as if nothing had changed.

After a few months, everyone close to the temple, even tourists, began to acknowledge the monk's presence, especially at night. He seemed to exist in a parallel dimension, continuing the work Lord Shiva had chosen him to do forever.


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